Gases = Gazlar

gases ile ilgili görsel sonucuGases = Gazlar

Maddenin üç halinden biri olan gazlar belirli bir şekli ve hacmi olmayan, yüksek basınçla bile sıvılaştırılamayan, akışkana denir. ... Gazlar moleküller arası çekim kuvvetleri en az olan maddelerdir. Gaz molekülleri birbirinden bağımsız hareket ederler.

A gas is a sample of matter that conforms to the shape of a container in which it is held and acquires a uniform density inside the container, even in the presence of gravity and regardless of the amount of substance in the container. If not confined to a container, gaseous matter, also known as vapor, will disperse into space . The term gas is also used in reference to the state, or condition, of matter having this property.

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